Tape Recorder
Students have the right to record their classes if the service is recommended based upon documentation. Teachers may also request that students turn off their tape recorders if personal information is being shared in class.
Sign Language Interpreters
Students who need an interpreter for classes are encouraged to make their request to the Coordinator of Student Disability Services at least two to three weeks prior to the start of a new semester. If the Coordinator of Student Disability Services receives fewer than two weeks’ notice, she cannot guarantee this accommodation.
Test Proctoring
In some cases when severe decoding, limited sight word vocabulary, reading comprehension, or low-vision problems are noted, test proctoring may be recommended as a support service for students. If test proctoring is desired, it is the student's responsibility to make an appointment with the Independent Learning Center at least three days in advance. The Independent Learning Center will not be responsible for proctoring untimed tests.
Career and Academic Support
The Coordinator of Student Disability Services provides educational referrals for vocational counseling.
Accessible Parking
Handicapped parking spaces are provided in each campus parking lot. Please make sure your own placard is displayed on your vehicle.