Olivet Nazarene University Laura Dreyer ljdreyer@olivet.edu
Loyola University Chicago Erasto Martinez-Nieto emartineznieto@luc.edu
DePaul University Cynthia Delgadillo cdelgadi@depaul.edu
University of St. Francis Elisabet Miramontes emiramontes@stfrancis.edu
Lewis University Kerry Meunier meunieke@lewisu.edu
Purdue University Rosemary Ricci rricci@purdue.edu
University of Illinois Brianna Beaty genstudies@illinois.edu
Indiana Wesleyan University Kristy Lewis kristy.lewis@indwes.edu
Benedictine University Margaret Young
University of Illinois Chicago Stacey Wagers
Purdue University Northwest Jim Gwynn
Dominican University Michael Morsovillo
Governors State Julie Anderson-Roy
Roosevelt University Kenley Johnston
Grand Canyon University Lisa Mullins
Chamberlain University Maria Bassett
Northern Illinois University

Morton College Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) participation has opened the college to collaboration with other institutions. Morton College Academic Catalog details:

  • Morton College participates in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement designed to facilitate the transfer of students from one Illinois college/university to another to complete a bachelor’s degree (see the “IAI Participating Schools” table on pages 5 & 6). Effective as of 1998, students who complete the IAI General Education Core Courses (GECC) can transfer this “package” of coursework and have it accepted in place of lower-division general education course requirements. Students who complete an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science degree with the IAI GECC will also meet their transfer college/universities’ lower-division general education requirements and be granted junior standing. To learn more about the Illinois Articulation Initiative, contact the Academic Advising Center at (708) 656-8000, Ext. 2250 or visit www. itransfer.org. (page 7) IAI participation
    • IAI Participating Schools:
      • Two-year Public Institutions (page 5)
      • Two-year Independent Institutions (page 6)
      • Four-year Public Institutions (page 6)
      • Four-year Independent Institutions (page 6)
    • Transfer Agreements- The participating institutions are listed on page 7 of the Morton College Academic Catalog.
    • Joint Educational Agreements are participating institutions listed on page 7 of the Morton College Academic Catalog 2023-2024.
    • International Students- Details on pages 9-10 of Morton College Academic Catalog 2023-2024.

Morton College and Benedictine University Associate of Applied Science (AAS) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Partnership Program

Morton College administration and faculty believe in and encourage the concept that education is ongoing with provisions for articulation. Morton College and Benedictine University offer an innovative 3 + 1 RN to BSN completion program, a four-year academic plan emphasizing role formation and preparation for graduate study.

The program is completed at Morton's main campus in Cicero. Building upon previous knowledge and experience gained in Morton's associate degree program, the 3 + 1 program is designed for the working registered nurse juggling multiple life priorities and wants a cost-effective, quality education.


Benedictine University: Nicole Botich, nbotich@ben.edu

Benedictine 3 + 1 Business:

Benedictine 3 + 1 Nursing:


For information on the academic plan, download the Benedictine University/Morton College 3+1 Academic Plan.